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On Windows, CMake is used to generate a Visual Studio Solution (SLN) and associated project files.

> mkdir build; cd build
> cmake .. <options>

Once you've generated your SLN, you can just open it and use Visual Studio to build the project for you just like any other project.

Command Line

Alternatively, you can just invoke msbuild.exe on the generated solution and build from the command line.

> msbuild opendnp3.sln
> cmake --build .


CMake creates a special project called "install" that you can run inside Visual Studio to install the headers and libraries to the directory specified by CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX.

TLS Support

If you need to build the stack w/ TLS support (or you're using the .NET bindings), then you need to install OpenSSL on Windows. Use the full development package installers from ShiningLight. CMake is able to find the OpenSSL libraries and headers in the default install locations used by the installer.

.NET Bindings

By far, the easiest way to use the .NET bindings is just to install the Nuget package we publish:

PM> Install-Package opendnp3

or to allow pre-release versions:

PM> Install-Package opendnp3 -Pre

You will need to have OpenSSL 1.1.1 installed on your system and available in your path environment.

If you have an error stating "Could not load file or assembly 'DNP3CLRAdapter.dll' or one of its dependencies. The specified module could not be found.", it means that OpenSSL is not installed. Make sure that libcrypto.dll and libssl.dll are installed and available in your path environment.


If you need to build them from scratch, you can enable it when configuring CMake, e.g.:

> cmake .. -DDNP3_DOTNET=ON