Reference implementation of DNP3 (IEEE-1815)
►Nopendnp3 | |
CAddresses | |
CAnalog | Analogs are used for variable data points that usually reflect a real world value |
CAnalogCommandEvent | Occurs when an outstation receives and analog command |
CAnalogConfig | |
CAnalogInfo | |
CAnalogOutput | The object to represent a setpoint request from the master |
CAnalogOutputDouble64 | Double precision analog output |
CAnalogOutputFloat32 | Single precision analog output |
CAnalogOutputInt16 | 16-bit signed integer analog output |
CAnalogOutputInt32 | 32-bit signed integer analog output |
CAnalogOutputStatus | Describes the last set value of the set-point |
CAnalogOutputStatusInfo | |
CAnalogOutputStatusQualitySpec | |
CAnalogQualitySpec | |
CAOStatusConfig | |
CApplicationIIN | Some IIN bits are necessarily controlled by the outstation application, not the underlying protocol stack |
CAssignClassTypeSpec | |
CBinary | The Binary data type is for describing on-off (boolean) type values |
CBinaryCommandEvent | Maps to Group13Var1/2 |
CBinaryConfig | |
CBinaryInfo | |
CBinaryOutputStatus | BinaryOutputStatus is used for describing the current state of a control |
CBinaryOutputStatusInfo | |
CBinaryOutputStatusQualitySpec | |
CBinaryQualitySpec | |
CBOStatusConfig | |
CBuffer | |
CChannelRetry | Class used to configure how channel failures are retried |
CChannelStateSpec | |
CClassField | Specifies a set of event classes e.g |
CCommandPointResult | Represents the result of a command operation on a particular point |
CCommandPointStateSpec | |
CCommandSet | Provides a mechanism for building a set of one or more command headers |
CCommandStatusSpec | |
CConsoleLogger | LogHandler that prints all log messages to the console |
CControlRelayOutputBlock | Describes an incoming control request from the master |
CCount | A template for an integer count |
CCounter | Counters are used for describing generally increasing values (non-negative!) |
CCounterConfig | |
CCounterInfo | |
CCounterQualitySpec | |
CDatabaseConfig | |
CDeadbandConfig | |
CDeadbandEventCell | Structure for holding metadata information on points that have support deadbanding |
CDecoder | |
CDefaultListenCallbacks | Callback interface invoked when a new connection is accepted |
CDefaultMasterApplication | |
CDefaultOutstationApplication | A singleton with default setting useful for examples |
CDNP3Error | |
CDNP3Manager | Root DNP3 object used to create channels and sessions |
CDNPTime | |
CDoubleBitBinary | The Double-bit Binary data type has two stable states, on and off, and an in transit state |
CDoubleBitBinaryConfig | |
CDoubleBitBinaryInfo | |
CDoubleBitBinaryQualitySpec | |
CDoubleBitSpec | |
CEmptyEventCell | A null object for types that have no metadata |
CErrorSpec | |
CEventAnalogOutputStatusVariationSpec | |
CEventAnalogVariationSpec | |
CEventBinaryOutputStatusVariationSpec | |
CEventBinaryVariationSpec | |
CEventBufferConfig | Configuration of maximum event counts per event type |
CEventCellBase | Base class for different types of event metadata |
CEventConfig | |
CEventCounterVariationSpec | |
CEventDoubleBinaryVariationSpec | |
CEventFrozenCounterVariationSpec | |
CEventModeSpec | |
CEventOctetStringVariationSpec | |
CEventSecurityStatVariationSpec | |
CExponentialBackoffStrategy | Implements IOpenDelayStrategy using exponential-backoff |
CFlags | Measurement Flags |
CFlagsTypeSpec | |
CFlowControlSpec | |
CFrozenCounter | Frozen counters are used to report the value of a counter point captured at the instant when the count is frozen |
CFrozenCounterConfig | |
CFrozenCounterInfo | |
CFrozenCounterQualitySpec | |
CFunctionCodeSpec | |
CFunctorVisitor | A visitor implemented as an abstract functor |
CGroupVariationID | Simple uint8_t/uint8_t tuple for group and variation |
CGroupVariationSpec | |
CHeader | Class used to specify a header type |
CHeaderInfo | Simple structure used in the ISOEHandler callbacks to return information about the associated header |
CHeaderUnion | Union type that holds information for a single header type |
CIChannel | Represents a communication channel upon which masters and outstations can be bound |
CIChannelListener | Callback interface for receiving information about a running channel |
CICollection | An interface representing an abstract immutable collection of things of type T |
CICommandCollection | A collection type for command to which the user can add by type and index |
CICommandHandler | Interface used to dispatch SELECT / OPERATE / DIRECT OPERATE (Binary/Analog output) from the outstation to application code |
CICommandProcessor | Interface used to dispatch SELECT / OPERATE / DIRECT OPERATE from application code to a master |
CICommandTaskResult | Abstract result type returned via callback to a command operation |
CIDecoderCallbacks | |
CIDnpTimeSource | Interface that defines a method to get DNPTime source |
CIINField | DNP3 two-byte IIN field |
CILinkListener | Various optional callbacks that can be received for the link layer |
CIListenCallbacks | Callback interface invoked when a new connection is accepted |
CIListener | Represents a running TCP or TLS listener that can be shutdown so that no new connections are accepted |
CILogHandler | Callback interface for log messages |
CIMaster | Interface that represents a running master session |
CIMasterApplication | Interface for all master application callback info except for measurement values |
CIMasterOperations | All the operations that the user can perform on a running master |
CIMasterScan | Interface for interacting w/ a permanently bound scan |
CIMasterSession | Interface that represents an emphemeral master session |
CIndexed | A simple tuple for pairing Values with an index |
CIndexQualifierModeSpec | |
CIntervalUnitsSpec | |
CIOpenDelayStrategy | A strategy interface for controlling how connection are retried |
CIOutstation | Interface representing a running outstation |
CIOutstationApplication | Interface for all outstation application callback info except for control requests |
CIPEndpoint | |
CIResource | Anything that can be shutdown |
CISessionAcceptor | Callback interface invoked when a new connection is accepted |
CISOEHandler | An interface for Sequence-Of-Events (SOE) callbacks from a master stack to the application layer |
CIStack | Base class for masters or outstations |
CITaskCallback | Callbacks for when a task starts and completes |
CIUpdateHandler | An interface used to update measurement values |
CIUTCTimeSource | Interface that defines a method to get UTC timestamps |
CIVisitor | Abstract way of visiting elements of a collection |
CLinkConfig | Configuration for the dnp3 link layer |
CLinkFunctionSpec | |
CLinkHeaderFields | |
►CLinkStatistics | Counters for the channel and the DNP3 link layer |
CChannel | |
CParser | |
CLinkStatusSpec | |
►CLogger | A copyable facade over a LogRoot class |
CSettings | |
CLogLevel | |
CLogLevels | Strongly typed wrapper for flags bitfield |
CMasterParams | Configuration information for the dnp3 master |
CMasterStackConfig | A composite configuration struct that contains all the config information for a dnp3 master stack |
CMasterTaskTypeSpec | |
CMeasurement | Base class shared by all of the DataPoint types |
CModuleId | |
CNumRetries | Unsolicited response number of retries |
COctetData | A base-class for bitstrings containing up to 255 bytes |
COctetString | Respresents group 110/111 objects |
COctetStringConfig | |
COctetStringInfo | |
COperateTypeSpec | |
COperationTypeSpec | |
COutstationConfig | Configuration information for a dnp3 outstation (outstation) |
COutstationParams | Static configuration parameters for an outstation session |
COutstationStackConfig | A composite configuration struct that contains all the config information for a dnp3 outstation stack |
CParitySpec | |
CPointClassSpec | |
CPrintingChannelListener | Callback interface for receiving information about a running channel |
CPrintingCommandResultCallback | |
CPrintingSOEHandler | ISOEHandler singleton that prints to the console |
CQualifierCodeSpec | |
CResponseInfo | Basic information about an APDU response |
CRestartModeSpec | |
CRestartOperationResult | |
CRestartTypeSpec | |
CSecurityStatConfig | |
CSerialSettings | Settings structure for the serial port |
CServerAcceptModeSpec | |
CSimpleCommandHandler | Mock ICommandHandler used for examples and demos |
CSimpleEventCell | Metatype w/o a deadband |
►CStackStatistics | Statistics related to both a master or outstation session |
CLink | |
►CTransport | |
CRx | |
CTx | |
CStartStopRange | A template for a integer range |
CStaticAnalogOutputStatusVariationSpec | |
CStaticAnalogVariationSpec | |
CStaticBinaryOutputStatusVariationSpec | |
CStaticBinaryVariationSpec | |
CStaticConfig | |
CStaticCounterVariationSpec | |
CStaticDoubleBinaryVariationSpec | |
CStaticFrozenCounterVariationSpec | |
CStaticOctetStringVariationSpec | |
CStaticOnly | |
CStaticSecurityStatVariationSpec | |
CStaticTimeAndIntervalVariationSpec | |
CStaticTypeBitField | A bitfield that describes a subset of all static types, e.g |
CStaticTypeBitmaskSpec | |
CStopBitsSpec | |
CSuccessCommandHandler | A singleton command handler that always returns success |
CTaskCompletionSpec | |
CTaskConfig | Object containing multiple fields for configuring tasks |
CTaskId | Interface that represents a running master |
CTaskInfo | Struct that provides information about a completed or failed task |
CTimeAndInterval | Maps to Group50Var4 This class is a bit of an outlier as an indexed type and is really only used in the DNP3 PV profile |
CTimeAndIntervalConfig | |
CTimeAndIntervalInfo | |
CTimeDuration | Strong typing for millisecond based time durations |
CTimestamp | Strong typing for millisecond-based monotonic timestamps |
CTimestampQualitySpec | |
CTimeSyncModeSpec | |
CTLSConfig | TLS configuration information |
CTripCloseCodeSpec | |
CTypedMeasurement | Common subclass to analogs and counters |
CUncopyable | Inherited classes will not have default copy/assignment |
CUpdateBuilder | |
CUpdates | |
CUTCTimestamp | Strong typing for UTCTimestamps |
CX509Info | Select information from a preverified x509 certificate that user can can inspect an optionally reject |