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Creating a master

A master in opendnp3 is a component that communicates with a single outstation via a communication channel. You may see this term used in other places to refer to a collection of such components communicating with multiple outstations. When more than one master is bound to a single communication channel, it is called a multi-drop configuration. This refers to the way in which an RS-485 serial network is chained from device to device. Opendnp3 will let you add multiple masters / outstations to any communication channel, regardless of he underlying transport. You could even bind a master to a TCP server and reverse the normal connection direction.

To add a master to a communication channel you call the AddMaster(...) method on the channel interface:

// Contains static configuration for the master, and transport/link layers
MasterStackConfig stackConfig;

// you can optionally override these defaults like setting the application layer response timeout
// or change behaviors on the master
stackConfig.master.responseTimeout = TimeDuration::Seconds(2);
stackConfig.master.disableUnsolOnStartup = true;

// ... or you can override the default link layer settings = 1; = 10;

auto master = channel->AddMaster(
  "master",                                       // alias for logging
  PrintingSOEHandler::Create(),                   // ISOEHandler (interface)
  DefaultMasterApplication::Create(),             // IMasterApplication (interface)
  stackConfig                                     // static stack configuration

// enable the master - you can also Disable() it or Shutdown() permanently


Note the 2nd parameter in the call to AddMaster(...). This is the user-defined interface used to receive measurement data that the master has received from the outstation. SOE stands for "Sequence of Events". SOE is a common term in SCADA circles that is synonymous with "the order in which things occured".

class ISOEHandler

    virtual void BeginFragment(const ResponseInfo& info) = 0;
    virtual void EndFragment(const ResponseInfo& info) = 0;

    virtual void Process(const HeaderInfo& info, const ICollection<Indexed<Binary>>& values) = 0;

    // more Process methods for types like Analog, Counter, etc ....

An ISOEHandler is just an interface with an overloaded Process method for every measurement type in DNP3 It also includes BeginFragment and EndFragment methods which can be used to tell when the processing of a response starts and ends.

The PrintingSOEHandler in the snippet where we added the master is just a simple instance which prints values to the console. You'll definitely want to write your own implementation so that you can write to file, database, or display on your application in some fashion. The PrintingSOEHandler just extracts the measurement values from the ICollection like the following:

void Process(const HeaderInfo& info, const ICollection<Indexed<Binary>>& values)
    auto print = [](const Indexed<Binary>& pair) {
        std::cout << "[" << pair.index << "] : " << pair.value << std::endl;

There's also a wealth of information in the HeaderInfo object including:

  • The specific group/variation associated with this ASDU header
  • The QualifierCode associated with this header
  • An enumeration describing the validity of the time-stamp for convenience to the programmer.
  • The index of the header within the ASDU


Remember that the callbacks for the ISOEHandler methods come from the thread-pool. Depending on the number of sessions, you may not want to block the stack in these callbacks. You might consider allocating some kind of object that is passed to a worker thread to actually write the data to disk/database.


The 3rd parameter in the call to AddMaster(...) is a user-defined interface called IMasterApplication. It inherits from two sub-interfaces ILinkListener and IUTCTimeSource as well as adding a number of methods that are master specific.

You can see all the methods you can override in the code documentation, but the most important ones are:

  • void IOnReceiveIIN(const IINField& iin) - Notifies you whenever an ASDU is received containing an internal indication field (IIN field). This allow you to log and react to specific error bits returned by the device.

  • void OnTaskComplete(const TaskInfo& info) - Tell you about tasks that are built into the master succeeding/failing. This callback is usually used to assess the "health" of the session.

The ILinkListener interface is also used on IOutstationApplication and is described in its own section.


The final parameter passed into AddMaster(...) is a configuration struct that consists of link-layer configuration information and static configuration that defines the masters behavior. The link-layer config is also used for outstations, and is described in its own section.


Each of the dozen or so fields in this struct control certain automated behaviors within the master. Refer to the code documentation for complete descriptions. This struct controls behaviors like:

  • The default response timeout
  • Whether to perform unsolicited disable/enable on start-up
  • Whether to perform automatic time synchronization if requested
  • The maximum Tx/Rx ASDU size which always default to 2K as per the DNP3 specification


When a master is added to a channel, the channel returns an IMaster interface. This interface provides all access to a number of operations on the master. Refer to the code documentation for specifics. Some examples are:

  • Add periodic scans to the master like exception (Class 1/2/3) and integrity scans (Class 1/2/3/0)
  • Scanning for specific ranges or event counts
  • The ICommandProcessor sub-interface allow you to do SelectBeforeOperate and DirectOperate requests w/ CROBs and Analog Outputs


This is a sub-interface that allows you to perform "select-before-operate" and "direct operate" commands.

class ICommandProcessor
    virtual void SelectAndOperate(...params...) = 0;
    virtual void DirectOperate(...params...) = 0;

Opendnp3 supports multiple commands per request on both the master and the outstation, however, for convenience there are overloaded methods to issue a single command of each type . You can use these overloads or build a CommandSet, which is a collection of headers.

CommandSet commands;

The easiest way to define headers is to use initializer_lists, but you can also create a specific header type and then add entries in a loop.

// CROB to be sent to two indices
ControlRelayOutputBlock crob(ControlCode::LATCH_ON);

// Use initializer list to create a header in a single call - Send LATCH_ON to indices 0 and 1
commands.Add<ControlRelayOutputBlock>({ WithIndex(crob, 0), WithIndex(crob, 1) });

/// Add two analog outputs to the set using the header method.
/// Note that the 'header' is captured as a reference.
auto& header = commands.StartHeader<AnalogOutputInt16>();
header.Add(AnalogOutputInt16(7), 3);
header.Add(AnalogOutputInt16(9), 4);

You pass the command set into the master using one of the ICommandProcessor methods.

master->SelectAndOperate(std::move(commands), callback);

The callback is a lambda expression or std::function that accepts ICommandTaskResult as its single argument.

auto callback = [](const ICommandTaskResult& result) -> void
    std::cout << "Summary: " << TaskCompletionToString(result.summary) << std::endl;
    auto print = [](const CommandPointResult& res)
            << "Header: " << res.headerIndex
            << " Index: " << res.index
            << " State: " << CommandPointStateToString(res.state)
            << " Status: " << CommandStatusToString(res.status);

The example above prints the summary value for the task, and information about the success or failure of each of the commands you specified in the CommandSet. Since we sent 4 individual command values, the handler would print something the following on a fully successful response:

Summary: SUCCESS
Header: 0 Index: 0 State: SUCCESS Status: SUCCESS
Header: 0 Index: 1 State: SUCCESS Status: SUCCESS
Header: 1 Index: 3 State: SUCCESS Status: SUCCESS
Header: 1 Index: 4 State: SUCCESS Status: SUCCESS


Even if the summary TaskCompletion value is SUCCESS, this doesn't mean that every command you sent was successful. It just means that the master got back some response that was parsed successfully. You must check the result for each command you sent individually. DNP3 allows for truncated responses if the outstation doesn't understand everything you sent. A possible response might be:

Summary: SUCCESS
Header: 0 Index: 0 State: SUCCESS Status: SUCCESS
Header: 0 Index: 1 State: SUCCESS Status: SUCCESS
Header: 1 Index: 3 State: SUCCESS Status: NOT_SUPPORTED
Header: 1 Index: 4 State: INIT Status: UNDEFINED

Note that you always get an entry for every command you specified, even if there's no response at all because the connection is down.

Header: 0 Index: 0 State: INIT Status: UNDEFINED
Header: 0 Index: 1 State: INIT Status: UNDEFINED
Header: 1 Index: 3 State: INIT Status: UNDEFINED
Header: 1 Index: 4 State: INIT Status: UNDEFINED

Refer to the Doxygen docs for detailed information about each enum type:

  • TaskCompletion - The summary value for the task
  • CommandPointState - The various result states for each command point.
  • CommandStatus - The command status enumeration defined in the spec. Only valid for some states.

Cleaning Up

Calls to Shutdown() are idempotent. The master will be permanently deleted once all references to the shared_ptr<IMaster> have been dropped.